
Membership Application Procedures

1.Theatre schools who have the willing to join in WTEA shall fill in the Application Form, see the Form attached in the next page.


2.The applicant school shall have a reference institute, and the reference institute shall be one of WTEA official member schools.

3.The Secretariat of WTEA has to file up the applications and send materials related along with the applications to each member school for a review, 6 months ahead of the WTEA General Assembly.


4.During the General Assembly of WTEA, all member schools shall discuss on the applications and vote for it. Application with 2/3 votes from all member schools will be approved as a member school of WTEA, otherwise it is not approved.


5.Secretariat of WTEA shall make and offer the approved new member schools a Membership Certificate, as a confirmation on its status.

Download: WTEA Application Form