
The 5th Presidents’ Conference 2022 Held Online

WTEA's 5th Presidents' Conference was held online at October 21st, 2022 (GMT+8) by the Central Academy of Drama, China, attended by rectors (presidents) of famous theatre colleges from China, Germany, Greece, Japan, Korea, Poland, Russia, Spain, the UK, and the US. After the 2020-2022 work report by the Alliance, the representatives voted, through a show of hands, for Mr. Hao Rong's reappointment as WTEA Secretary-General and the extension of his tenure from 2 years to 5, making the new term to be from October 2022 to October 2027.

Mr. Hao Rong reappointed as WTEA Secretary-General

The organization of WTEA International Theatre Festival 2023 was then discussed. It was proposed during the Conference that the Festival be held in October 2023 both in Beijing and in Guilin. The theme will be optional: "Tragedies by Shakespeare" or "Works by National Playwright", to enable the participants' free expression. Afterwards, attendees also voted for issuing WTEA newsletter quarterly and building a database for theatre education resource. It was the Alliance's decision to expand the sharing of information to offset the restrictions on international communication due to the Pandemic, and to build a database to serve the member schools in deepening exchanges via win-win cooperation. Looking into the future, WTEA Secretariat will work shoulder to shoulder with the member schools to implement the resolutions to enhance cross-culture communication and mutual learning, for the development and prosperity of theatre education around the world.